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Sarasota Skyline

What makes Sarasota a desirable place to live?

With its pleasant sunny weather, vibrant arts and culture scene, pristine white sand beaches, and abundance of recreational activities, it’s no surprise why Sarasota attracts countless visitors and new residents year after year. Nestle...

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Realtors are Virtual Experts!

Even in "normal" times, remote home purchases happened. From parents buying their child's college residence to real estate investors that see great potential but don't have time to fly in before purchase, many have found buying remotely to be a...

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Renovating Survival Guide

Clients on both sides of the real estate wall may be considering renovating for one reason for another, as I explained in my most recent blog. While this Survival Guide can be put to use for both buyers who have purchased a "fixer-upper" and ar...

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Walking Southside Village

I had to share this excellent article from Sarasota Magazine written by Robert Plunket. My new home is in Southside Village (West of Trail near the hospital) and my daily walks are never dull as the combination of eclectic architecture and lovi...

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